Saturday, August 30, 2008
badan dah tua???
seumur hidup aku, aku x pnah ade masalah mabuk knderaan...aku x pnah muntah ke hape ke...pnah la sekali...mase umur 6 tahun...ade rombongan tadika gi mlake..mase tu kol 7 pagi..perut tgh kosong..tetibe mmber ofer air coca-cola...pas 5 minit minum, tros muntah..tu la pengalaman pertama n terakhir aku muntah dlm knderaan...
alhmadulillah...perut aku mmg slalu mmberikn kerjasama...x pnah la nk meragam....
dulu, mase aku skolah mngh kt SEMESTA, Raub, mase otw nk blk skolah dr kuantan, mase dlm kereta, aku leh lagi wat homework dlm kreta..bkn smbarangan hmwork tau..hmwork add math lagi...hehehe....bkn la nk kate hebat ke ape, tp ade kwn2 aku, jgn late wat hmwork, bace msj enpon pn x leh dlm kreta...
n Alhamdulillah, smpai skang, aku mmg xde masalah pape kalo naik kreta....wat la keje pape pn dlm kreta, bisa diatur buk....
beralih plak kalo nek bas....kalo dulu, aku mmg kebal ngn bas ni...bagi la bas hal nye...mmg xde problem...
tp skang.....
kalo bas tu panas+ramai org+bau mcm2 result nye sure aku pening2....kpale rase berat gile....
n skang ni, aku dah x leh nk bace surat khabar dlm bas...sbb x tahan bau surat khbar..kalo majalah ke komik ke boleh tahan x leh lame la.... 15 minit je...pastu sure aku dah pening2...loya2....
ade skali tu, aku try wat sudoku dlm bas, sempat setel satu kotak je, aku dah rase lain macam....
skang ni, kalo nek bas, asam+air 100 plus+gula2 msti ade dlm stakat ni , xde la smpai muntah2 ke sakit perut ke..just aku rase x selesa....
badan aku dah tua ke??? ble aku rase semua ni, baru lah timbul rase syukur sgt ngn ape yg aku ade...aku syg badan aku...sayang segala2 nye yg ade pd aku.....
so, pas ni kne jage kesihatan elok2....
mkn kne ikut time, mkn2 mnde berkhasiat...
n skang ni, one of my fav food is SALAD!!!!!!~ kalo dulu dgr perkataan sayur je, meremang bulu roma.....lagi2 sayur yg x masak lg....
tp skang ni, sayur yg x masak lg best!!!!!!!!!! fresh!!~ suke nyeeeeeeeee~~
n setiap pagi, leh dikatakn wajib breakfast ngn 2 biji telur separuh masuk + 1 gelas susu anlene....
bulan ramadhan lagi 2, 3 ari nk, leh restkn badan ni dr mkn mknn yg x berkhasiat....aku x kate aku nk kurus, just aku nk mengamalkn diet yg sehat!!!~
n azam baru, nk naikkn sket berat least berat aku kne 45 kg..skang ni berat aku just 41 kg...dah penat la dgr org asek kutuk aku n kate aku ni kurus...mmg la x kesah pn...just aku x nk la kurus sgt...biar ade berat badan ideal..dah la kn...
~sayangi badan anda~~
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
just bought breeze + febreeze + A4 paper...mmg la x berbaloi...pas bratur dkt 15 minit, pegi la kt kaunter, bb kuar kn duet rm50+rm4...then bb tanye
"ji, ade 2 kupang x?" (kupang means posen or puluh sen okayh)...ku cm terkejut jgak cz bb never use this "kupang" word b4....
blom smpat ku nk korek2 dlm walet, bb ckp" eh..sockay...abe ade duet kecik..."
then bb amek smule duet yg die kasi kt cashier tu, then korek2 duet dlm wallet utk bg ngam2 soi rm34.20...tetibe ade rm33.20, bb tanye aku
" ji, ade SEKUPANG x?"... smbil korek2 duet kt poket sluar, bb keep on repeating the same phrase.. "ji, ade SEKUPANG x?"
huhu..ku dah nk tergelak kaver la kn...mane leh malukn bb dpn org....blakang org x pe...hehe....
bb nk ckp ade "seringgit" since konon2 nk teruskn penggunaan kupang la kn.....ku ingt bb sengaja ckp cm tu....rupenye2, die x prasan pn yg die ckp SEKUPANG tu.....
mase tgh jln nk pegi kt kreta ku ckp, " bb... sekupang means seposen...not seringgit okay..."
dgn muka cover nye ckp " eh...biar la....bkn ade org prasaan pn..abe kn yakin...kesilapan teknikal sket je..."
haha....cute gile..... ngn muka tersipu2....
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
~~~The Jetty~~~
ops..sblm tu, the jetty ni kt area hotel holiday inn yg kt ngn mp tu...ala...mnde alah yg cm kt tgh laut tu...huhu the jetty ni ade mcm2...ade tmpat karaoke..ade tmpat makan2...tmpat minum2..ade CC..ade tmpat snooker, tmpat urut n mcm2 lagi....hehe....
last few nites, bb bwk gi tmpat minum2 yg terletak kt hujung jeti ni...sng crite, yg paling ke arah laut la...mmg atas laut pn...lpk2 kt situ...minum2....smbil pndg laut....smbil rase angin laut yg sejuk gile...(dlm ati kalo tsunami ni, skali harung je, jd arwah aku...hehehe) siap nmpk bot nelayan yg gi tgkap udang lagi... tp x lepak lame pn..sekejap je..sbb mase tu ku x brape sehat...sbb dmm kura2...:D
pastu, tgh ari td..pas lunch, bb ajak gi the jetty lagi..
bb tgh ade mood nk melalak n menyanyi pulak....pegi la....
ble dah smpai sane, leh la plak fully booked..dasyat tol org yg suke nyanyi2 ni...tgh2 ari pn fully booked...isk3....
pastu bb kate, "jom gi massage"... layan je la kn...both of us wat foot massage....
rm50 per hour x 2 = rm 100....
bb blanje...yeay!!!!!!!!!!! mekaceh bb..muah..muah....
best gle....layan je...rase cm nk tertdo kdg2 ade la gak saket..mane x nye...picit tapak kaki..tekan urat sini..tekan urat best...segar je kaki...hehe.. yg tukang urut tu awek dr China...pure cina nye....x reti ckp english, spnjg sejam tu cm senyap je la... tp awek yg urut kaki bb cm peramah jgak la...reti ckp omputih suke la tu..borak ngn awek cina yg cute...seb bek ku ade kt sblh...x leh caya bb ni...huhuhu
tp ade orang tu kn pas abis wat massage kn, die kate, "uih...kne pkey 2 kali kalo nk wat foot massage lagi ni..saket tu....abe tgk ji relax je...abe dah rase cm nk give up tgk ji relax, malu la plak..."
hahaha..sape kah org itu????
yg pasti nye, bb nk wat body massage lak pas ni....bile?? x sure lagi...yg sure, aku kne ikot!!!!!! bahaye kalo bb gi sorg2 je...hahaha....
p/s:- thanks bb....i know, u'll do anything to make me happy ...muah..muah..
Sunday, August 17, 2008
demam kura-kura
masuk ari jumaat lagi terok...sakit kpale...muntah2...batuk..saket tekak...
jmpe doc...dah x tahan..nk ubat....doc nk kasi xpe la...
sbb ari jumaat bkn ade klas pn....
ari sabtu...lagi teruk...sekejap panas...sekejap sejuk......
kejap berpeluh...kejap mggigil.....
kt kaki ade bintik2 merah......
ari ni...bdn panas2.....selsema jd teruk.....running nose....
esok mlm ade midterm test multimedia....
doc.....saye nk mc esok...... sbb dah 4 ari pn x baik2 lagi...
ble mase nk study????.....
p/s:- gud bye EMG....c u in another sem...
Friday, August 15, 2008
tagged by rased (2)
still married smpai ble2......
2) Are you a vegetarian?
x kenyang r mkn sayur je....isk3
3) Do you believe in Heaven?
4) Have you ever come close to dying?
erm..x pnah..Alhamdulillah...sehat walafiat.....
5) What were u doing 8.00 this morning?
6) Favourite time of day?
time tidoq...hehehe
7) Do you mind dating someone of the same sex?
kesah la...kuar dating op kos la ngn lelaki.....
8) Do you wear makeup?
kadang2...ble mood menggedik dtg.hehehe
9) Ever have plastic surgery?
gilo apo...tgk jarum pn dah lemah lutut...nk wat bedah2 ni.....
10) Do you colour your hair?
x pnah....x sah smayang weh...
11) What do you wear to bed?
12) Have you ever done anything illegal?
ade la zmn2 jahiliah dulu...hehehe
13) Can you roll your tongue?
x leh...lidah aku stret je kedpn....
14) Do you tweeze your eyebrows?
x pnah....
15) What kind of sneakers?
erm....aku pakai sneakers ke??? rase nye tak....
16) What is something you are excited about?
time nk tido....excited weh nk tdo....
17) What is your Hair color?
hitam berkilat.....
18) Do you talk a lot?
eh....mane ade....pndiam ni...
19) Do you snore?
20) If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be?
makkah, switzerland
21) Do you sleep with animals?
alergik sket ngn mnatang2 ni.....
22) If you won the lottery, what would you do first?
23) Gold or silver?
gold of kos....
24) Hamburger or hot dog?
dua2 tak
25) If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
dunkin donut..ehehhehe
26) City, beach or country?
27) What was the last thing you touched?
keypad laptop
28) Where did you eat last?
marrybrown kt melaka mall....
29) When’s the last time you cried?
ble ek?? dah lame x nangis....sebak ade lah.....
30) Do you read blogs?
blog2 tertentu sahaje.......
31) Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex?
32) Is there anyone you like right now?
33) What’s your favourite shampoo conditioner and soap?
sunsilk n lux
34) Do you talk in your sleep?
35) Are you popular?
erm...x pasti....
38) Are you currently depressed?
39) Ever met anyone famous?
pnah....bnyk kali u...paling baru jmpe pak tam raja lawak...ade sape2 knal????hahaha
40) Do you feel that you’ve had a truly successful life?
belom lagi......
41) Who is the rudest person in your life?
42) Ricki Lake or Oprah Winfrey?
43) Basketball or Football?
44) How long do your showers last?
15 menet je.....
45) Automatic or do you drive a stick?
dua2 oso can
46) Cake or ice cream?
47) Are you self-conscious?
48) Do you care what people think?
49) Have you ever given money to a beggar?
50) Have you been in love?
51) Where do you wish you were?
kt bilik tdo kt umahku kt kuantan....
52) Have you rejected someone?
Name : filzah
Birth Date : lahir 1987
Current Status : bahagie....
Eye Colour : coklat gelap
Righty of lefty : righty
My Heritage : pure malay
My Fears : cerita hantu
My Weaknesses : belon
My Perfect Pizza : hawaiian ciken piza hut
My thoughts first waking up : mandi
My bedtime : lbey kurang 1 am
My most missed memory : trip pngkalan balak!!!!!!!!!!
Pepsi or Coke : pepsi
McDonald or Burger King : McD
Single or grouped dates : single but sumtimes grouped date pn layan gak.....
Adidas or Nike : adidas
Tea or Nestea : tea
Chocolate or Vanilla : vanilla!
Cappuccino or Coffee : coffee!
Smoke : nope!!!!!!!!
Curse : x sure
Take a shower : op kos la
Have a crush : yup
Think you've been in love : yup
Go to school : mesti la....
Want to get married : nak!!!!!!!!!!!
Believe in yourself : 95%
Alcohol : haram weh
Gone to the mall : msti la...mane lagi nk shopping handbag kan....
Been on stage : pnah!!!!
Eaten sushi : tak minat
Dyed your hair : x pnah
Played a stripping game : x mnat
Changed who you were to fit in :apekah????
To be married : 24 (gedik!!~)
LAYER 9 : IN A GUY...??maybe in a lover?
Best eye colour : macam bb
Best hair colour : hitam mcm bb
Short hair or long hair : rmbut cm bb
Best height : mcm bb
Attitude : prangai bb
A minute ago : pnat mnaip tag ni la...
Hour ago : tgh tgk wayang
4.5 hours ago : tgh jwb mdterm test
1 month ago : x ingt la....
Year ago : celebrate 1st anniversary ngn bb kt exam hall...
I love: my family n bb
I feel : mengantuk
I hate : EMG
I hide : satu rahsia
I miss : wantan
I need : otak pndai giler cm genius!!!!
mls nk tag org...sure org x wat la....
Thursday, August 14, 2008
2nd anniversary.......
cayang bb......
p/s:- good luck 4 rakan2 seangkatan yg akan amek midterm EMG tonite.....
Monday, August 11, 2008
hutang tag
ade 2 hutang tag...dari rased n ika....
mahap ye rakan2....ku amat bz mggu ni....pas isnin next week, ku wat okayh....
Sunday, August 10, 2008
happy anniversary~~~~
happy 22nd anniversary utk ibu n abah tersayang.......(9/8/08)
td ku ngn amir(adikku yg bongsu) plan satu seprais party secara kecil-kecilan....
tgh hari td pas hntr amir pegi tusyen, ku tepon abah..kate nk kuar ngn kwn jap....walhal nk gi bli sgale preparation.....hehehe....
tumpang kek kt umah makngah yg kt sblh umah ni....hehehe....
mula2 plan nk terkezutkn ibu n abah pas dieorg blk solat isyak dr td, abah x gi lak surau..ibu je yg gi ne ni...kne tukar plan B ni....
~plan B~
kol 845 pm, ku terhendap2 kuar umah gi amek kek kt umah mkngah....
sorok kek kt bwh meja kt ruang tamu....tggu ibu blk sat...ble ibu dah blk, dah salin baju...ku cpt2 bwk kek masuk bilik angah , nyala2 lilin...mamat dah ready ngn belon2, amir dah ready ngn kamera....
happy anniversary~~ happy anniversary~~ happy anniversary to abah n ibu......~~ happy anniversary....
maka berkumandang lah suara serak2 ella aku nyanyi..(warghhh. xsdar diri tu...)
mamat men lmpar2 belon....
bwk kek ..ade lilin lg...pastu ade belon...ade yg mnde alah tarik2 yg kuar tali2 tu...smbil amir merakamkn saat2 itu.....
abah wat muka cool je smbil tersengih2...ibu terlompat2 yg plg excited adlh si wantan gedik yg tergedik2 ble ade belon n kek.....
bnyk gmbar yg diamek x leh la nk disiarkn..sbb mnjaga keterbatasan aurat( ayat...)
selamat ulang tahun perkahwinan yg ke 22 kpd ibu n abah...semoga keluarga kita hidup dlm aman dan damai, dlm keredhaan Allah dan mndapat rezeki yg halal....Amin.....
long saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayang abah & ibu.....mmmmuaaahhhhh
Friday, August 8, 2008
tagged by nodee
:: tagged by nodee si empunya waterproof digicam
Nickname: along, piji, ji, pijah, pja, fil
Married: no.
Male/Female: female
High school: SMK (A) tgku ampuan afzan, jerantut, sek men sains tgku abdullah..( aku skolah kt skolah anak-anak raja je...hehe)
College: MMU Malacca Campus.
Are You A Healthy Freak?: erm...healthy freak??? xde la smpai freaky kot..:D
Do You Have A Crush On Someone?: yup...*malu*malu*
Current status: dah diamek orang..hehe
Do You Like Yourself: op kos!!!~ Alhamdulillah ngn apa yg ada...
Is There Someone You Want To Be With Right Now?: yup...anak ke 3 raja salbiah..hehehe
I’m About To: study telemedic yg berbelit2.....(wah!! study tuh)
Surgery: tarak penah...
Person You See In The Morning: ibu yg kejut bgn subuh..hehe
Award: tokoh pelajar mase drjah 6..wewittttttttttttt
Sports You Join: lari kutip gula2...( tu kire sport x?? hehehe) , netball mase primary school...
Vacation: mane la nk ingt oi...erm..rase nye genting highland kot mase umur 4 tahun....huhu
Concert: konsert dangdut kt kelantan mase darjah 2...(KELANTAN oiii..dangdut lagi...hehe)
Playing: matahariku-agnes monica...layang jiwang sat.....
Pending: study...mane tak nye.. tgh mlayan kehendak cik nodee nih...hehehe
What’s NEW: ape ek?? tattoo kt kaki....(wahh..ayat kontroversi ni.... tattoo dragon lagi...hikhik...)
Your future..
Want Kids: nak!!!! nak!!!!
Want To Get Married:mesti lah!!~
Careers In Mind: boss kdai kek yg berjaya-yang ade branch kt setiap benua kt dunia ni..
Which is better?
Lips Or Eyes?: eyes~~ kelip*kelip
Hugs Or Kisses?: hugs...
Shorter Or Taller?: taller
Romantic Or Spontaneous?: romantic
Sensitive Or Loud?: loud.
Troublemaker Or Hesitant?: troublemaker~~
Have you ever..
Kissed A Stranger?: define stranger plsss..hehehe...(ayat elak diri..kah kah..kontroversi lagi..)
Drank Bubbles: tarak penah
Lost Glasses / Contacts: ade2!!! ari tu mase pndah umah, x ingt letak spek mata kt mane....nk bli baru cm mmbazir.... so, rabun la skang ni....)
Ran Away From Home: x pnah....nnti nk tdo mane??
Liked Someone Younger: x pnah..bdak kecik x main la....hoohohohoho
Broke someone’s heart: yup......sorry...
Been arrested: never!!!!
Cried when someone died: yes.
Do you believe in..
Yourself: yes!
Miracles: yes!
Magic: yes!
Angels: yes!
tagged 5 ppl:-
1. ida
2. rased
3. ixuan
4. pikah
5. kekaseh hati.. nk bersih kn sket blog die yg bersawang tu....
Thursday, August 7, 2008
1. midterm test Telemedicine
2.kne hntr esemen digital image processing
3.kne hntr lab report Multimedia technology and application
plus ngn hwork multimedia and EMG yg due next week jgak.....
plus plus lagi
on thursday, 14/8/08 ade midterm test EMG...
mane satu nk pkey dulu ni????????????
cuti cm x cuti je.....
p/s: 14/8/08- tarikh istimewa......*malu*malu*malu
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
canteen for US army at Iraq
when i first saw this pic, my heart and my eyes like want to tersembul keluar..... it's just like an exclusive dinner (or we can call it as lunch oso)....or at least, it seemed like yearly MMU AWARD dinner....
im not sure whether this is a true story or just only a gossip ( army oso involve in this world of gossiping..haha)
ok frens... take a look.......














so, anybody want to be an army for US and serve 'your' country at IRAQ???? angkat tangan!!!!!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
marah + merajuk = majuk
ade org tu pn majuk jugak...
ade org tu cakap x nk call saye sminggu.....