past few days, i'd been looking for a cinderella movie..but not the cartoon version... i remembered that they got a real-version-of-cinderella...but man.. i can't remember the title.. so, i just simply download a movie that has 'cinderella' printed on the title..
and i did a "good job"!!!
instead of download this
or this..
i downloaded this!!!!
yes..clap..clap... i did a "good job" of ruining my mood.... 3 days of downloading just blew away....*sigh*
wah.. dah terror dah download torrent
berbaloi bayar streamyx kan?
berbaloi gilerrr okay.... hahahahaha....
hoho..mmg berbaloi:P
tgk ar cite cinderella man tu..
aku dah penah tgk dah:P
best kerrr?? aku dah delete dah...hahaha...x minat la crite2 cm tu...aku suke crite pmpuan gedik2 je..hahahaa
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