see who is following me on twitter !!!!!
click the pictures for a clearer view...
i know some people (or specifically we called this type of people as 'haters') will say something like,
1. "'s not a big deal..she might be following everyone in her 'followers list' "
2. "like hello? u really think that she is the one who tweet everything? have u ever heard of the word 'admin' or 'personal assistant' ? "
and see the 'verified account' ? it means, she is the one who tweet everything..(or 90% at least)..
ok enough with the 'jakun'ness...
so, how is Ramadan so far? dah ponteng? hehe...
"When we present anything to our loved ones we try to buy the best thing and decorate it nicely to make him or her happy. Its time to present something to Allah our creator, so present your fast this Ramadan with your heart and soul. Happy Ramadan!!!!" - unknown
p/s: i miss u so much bb..nak jumpa!!!
Fuuh.. Dasyat tu.. Neways jom la jumpe diz saturday kat melaka.. Next monday nye Emergency Leave pon da approve.. ape lagi tunggu.. (^_^)
nk jumpa sgt bb!!! tapi....
bb mmg mntak emergency leave btol2 ke? ne ni b..nk jumpa!! nk jumpa!!
Xkan tipu tipu kot.. Da semangat da nie.. (^_^')
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