Friday, July 3, 2009


i just bought the latest issue of Galaxie...
and guess what..
i got this!!!!~

poster of new moon!!!
suke!! suke!!
can't wait for the movie!!!

nways, i've just finished reading Eclipse 3 days ago ...and it took me like 4 months to reach the last page!!!yes..i know, i'm such a loser..639 pages for 4 months...i was busy la.. didn't have time to read it...

oh ya..yesterday i went to watch ice age 3..

this one is better than the 2nd one..i really enjoyed the jokes and the whole cinema was laughing through out the film....i give it 4 out of 5 stars!! thumb up!!good job!!

note:- again, thanks for the bfday wishes!!!~


Moleqre said...

smlm pun aku tgk ice age 3

.filzah. said... kn? best kn??

skati anak malaya said...

ice age mmg best wooo...
trnsfmrs pown best gk..

.filzah. said...

tgk wayang je die tau...